If you think that having uneven or crooked teeth is a life sentence then you will be pleased to know that a modern orthodontic system called Invisalign can straighten your teeth discreetly in a matter of months.
Invisalign is a system that uses removable clear plastic trays that fit snugly over the teeth and gently move the individual teeth into a more aligned position over a period of time. This is often a favourable option for adults who have professional careers and don’t feel comfortable wearing unsightly ‘train track’ braces for months on end. The technology behind invisible orthodontics is highly advanced and often gives patients a much shorter treatment time, depending on their individual cases.
One advantage of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable, allowing you to take them out when you eat or drink. They will require some extra care to keep clean and you will have to remember to wear them as much as possible for the best results. Every few weeks you will have to change your aligners, with each set moving your teeth into the preferred position.
Contact the practice today to find out whether you are a candidate for Invisalign by calling 0208 6881311 to book your appointment.